When students go to the DMV to take their road test they need to bring:
1. Completion Certificate- received at their last behind the wheel lesson 2. Car 3. Parent or legal guardian 4. Instruction permit 5. $43
Make sure the vehicle you take on your test is in good running condition with the horn, directionals, lights, wipers, and brake lights all working. Also, have a clean windshield with no obsructions to your view.
Always make complete stops at stop signs and Red lights.
Always use your directectionals and check your blind spot before changing lanes.
Always cover the brake and look left, right, across, and left at all unmarked intersections before entering into them.
When stopping, stop at the correct place first, then creep up if you can not see.
Keep your speed a few miles per hour under the speed limit or right at the speed limit. Never go over the limit.
When driving in a parking lot, keep your speed down, use your directionals for all turns, and be alert for cars pulling out of parked positions and from coming around the corners.
The driving standards below are layed out similar to the actual road test.
Signals Check Mirrors Check traffic/blind spot Slows Properly Keeps wheels straight for left turns does not unnecessarily Stop or hesitates does not turns wide/short Turns into the closest lane Enter intersection on green light Does not enter on Yellow Checks mirrors after turn Hand Position on the wheel 9&3 Both hands on INTERSECTIONS/STOPS Through Intersection Checks both ways Controlled Intersection Scans Intersection properly understands / follows Rules Checks Rear-view Mirror often Stops Completely Stops behind Stop line Stops behind Crosswalk/Sidewalk does not unnecessarily Stop or hesitates Railroad Checks both ways covers brake Uncontrolled Intersection Checks both ways Covers brake Y TURN Signals Check Blind Spot Checks for Traffic Looks back when backing Backs minimum necessary FREEWAY Accelerates to freeway speed chooses merge gap in advance Signals merges smoothly 4 seconds following distance changes lane without slowing looks well ahead maintains speed onto off ramp slows properly
5 Star Driving School